The Blog


Having Trouble with Wine Club Credit Card Declines? Here are Tips to Help You Stay on Top of Them

Let’s say you run your wine club batch and 10% (or more) of the credit cards come back declined. How can you get these resolved fast? How can you avoid this in the future? Here are a few ways to stay on top of the declined and expired cards, allowing you to recapture 40% to 60% of your total declines.

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Want Better Holiday Wine Sales? Start Calling Now

Now that the spring and summer months are here, it’s time for your customers to get back outside and start enjoying nature. For your winery, it’s a great time to start calling your customers. Now is a great time to call to help clean up your database and sell some wine before it becomes too hot to ship!Continue Reading..


How Do I Get My Staff On the Phones?

One of the biggest challenges I hear from wineries doing the calling in house is, “How do I get my staff on the phones”?  Doesn’t matter if it’s the winery or a call center, getting and keep people on the phones is challenging.  Here are 4 ideas on tackling this challenge:Continue Reading..


The Best Way to Incentivize Your Customers

In order to help boost sales, offering a discount can get it done. But it’s often not the best way to go. Let’s say you call a customer and offer them a great discount on your wine. Perhaps they will buy more than usual, and that’s great! But the danger of offering a discount like that, is the next time they buy, there is a good chance they will expect it again. Continue Reading..


Things to Consider When Hiring a Phone Sales Rep

Hiring a phone sales rep to call your customers can be a great way to manage your message to customers, directly track employee progress and create a stronger, long-term relationship with your customers. Giving your customers a call gives them a small taste of wine country and provides you a great opportunity to sell more juice. Finding someone you trust to share your winery with your loyal customers isn’t always easy though. Here are some things to consider when hiring a Phone Sales Rep.Continue Reading..


Get Your Calling Organized for a Great 2016

Now that the holidays are in the rear-view mirror along with the craziness of the season, you can finally look forward to the new year. When it comes to your customer database, spring is the time to call your customers to help make sure your customer data is up to date and to continue building strong relationships. To ensure a successful spring calling campaign, now is the time to get ready!

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Building Rapport with Customers

In the tasting room, building rapport with customer is often much less challenging. The dynamic that body language and a handshake add help customers build that connection with you that makes them feel comfortable and more eager to buy. On the phone however, salespeople don’t have this luxury. However, selling over the phone does have one major element of human communication that is absolutely vital and arguably the most important. That is the voice.

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4 Easy Ways to Get Your Staff Engaged and Calling Your Customers

The clock is ticking and Thanksgiving will be here in just under 4 weeks. You still have time to sell wine and send it out to arrive before the turkey is ready. You have wine and customers to call, how do you get your staff on the phone to sell some additional wine without them kicking, screaming, bleeding and crying? Keep it simple. Here are four things you can do right now to get them on the phone within an hour.

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Get Your Customers Stocked Up for the Holidays

It’s that time of year again. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and it’s time your staff aught to be calling and selling wine to your top customers. Let’s face it, your customers will be drinking wine this holiday season. When you call and give them an opportunity to buy, you make sure that it’s your wine they’re drinking. Here are four ideas to boost your sales when you call this season.

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3 Things Your Sales Team Must Understand to Succeed

A common pitfall of salespeople is to feel the need to convince a customer to buy a product. We’ve all been on the receiving end of this. Even if they do eventually convince you to buy the product, feeling used and taken advantage of is typically the end result. Sales, and more specifically, wine sales shouldn’t be like this. Whether your staff is selling in the tasting room or over the phone, they should understand that their #1 job is to listen to your customers and understand their interests. When your salespeople learn to ask questions and listen to your customers, they will be able to tailor offers to them and become more successful sellers. Here are three strategies that are essential to help close a sale.

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