Category: Sales Skills


3 Things to Look for in a Wine Sales Rep

Great sales people are an essential part of nearly any business. Without a solid team that loves talking about your wine and sharing their own experiences, you’ll be hard pressed to get customers excited about your winery. These individuals serve as the face of your winery and they’re the first people your customers come into contact with. Over the last few years, wineries have struggled to find great salespeople and tasting room staff. Whatever your personal staffing needs, here are a few key things to look for or cultivate in new hires as you work to keep your tasting room staffed and sales people on the phones.Continue Reading..


The Biggest Key to Selling Wine

Whether it’s over the phone or in the tasting room, the better your staff is at relating to your customers, the more wine they’re going to sell. This holiday selling season, make it a priority and you’re sure to see your staff not only selling more wine, but giving your customers a better experience as a whole. And there’s one sure-fire way to make it happen too.Continue Reading..


3 Ideas to Help You Kick off Your Spring Calling

Have a Reason for the Call

When you call your customers, it’s a great idea to have a good reason for the phone call. I mean–sure you want them to buy wine, but even a simple introduction can go a long way. Something like, “The reason I’m calling you today is because we are almost out of X varietal and are calling all of our best customers to make sure they don’t miss out!” That is a really simple one and can make your customers feel special and more open to anything else you have to say. If you have good records of their prior purchases, this can be even better because the offer can be tailored to them.Continue Reading..


Get Your Calling Organized for a Great 2016

Now that the holidays are in the rear-view mirror along with the craziness of the season, you can finally look forward to the new year. When it comes to your customer database, spring is the time to call your customers to help make sure your customer data is up to date and to continue building strong relationships. To ensure a successful spring calling campaign, now is the time to get ready!

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Building Rapport with Customers

In the tasting room, building rapport with customer is often much less challenging. The dynamic that body language and a handshake add help customers build that connection with you that makes them feel comfortable and more eager to buy. On the phone however, salespeople don’t have this luxury. However, selling over the phone does have one major element of human communication that is absolutely vital and arguably the most important. That is the voice.

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