Category: Holiday Season


The Key to Better Holiday Sales: Not OND—SOND

October used to be considered the month when wineries could start kicking off their holiday sales campaigns and start shipping out wine for customer’s holiday festivities. Naturally, this too is when most of your yearly sales occur. But there are huge advantages in starting your calling in September instead. Here are a few reasons why you need to be starting your holiday sales earlier.Continue Reading..


Is Your Competition Calling Your Customers?

It’s September already, 2020 is flying by, and some of us can’t wait to get to 2021.  Every year the holidays seem to start earlier and this year is no different (from that perspective).  With more wineries turning to telesales, DTC has become more competitive than ever; and there is a  good possibility your customers are being called by other wineries. But the best news of all is that they are buying! There’s tons of potential for wineries that are set up to take advantage of it. But consumers only have so much room to store the wine and a limited budget, so you don’t want to wait too long to call them. The market has become more aggressive with great shipping specials and packaged deals.  The question is, do you have a campaign in place and ready to launch?  Here are three things you need to consider when kicking off your holiday campaign:

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1 Simple Way to Get Better Holiday Sales

It’s no secret that the holiday season can make or break your year. And in the uncertain times we’re going through, you need to be doing everything you can to make sure your holiday selling season is a success. Through our telesales campaigns, we are continually able to help wineries have better holiday sales. One of the ways we’re able to continually get stronger holiday sales for our clients is by starting to call earlier.Continue Reading..


5 Reasons to Start Your Holiday Calling in September

In my years of doing telesales for wineries, I’ve always been a huge advocate of starting holiday calling right after Labor Day. I’ve always found that customers suddenly become really eager to buy that first week in September. That said, here are 5 more reasons why starting your calling in September is the way to go.Continue Reading..


Bootstrapping Your Holiday Calling Campaign

Labor Day has come and gone, which means the SOND holiday selling season is upon us! Now is the time of year to kick your holiday sales into gear. There is little doubt your neighboring wineries will be calling their customers this time of year, but will you? If not, you’re passing up the potential to really grow your holiday sales this year. It’s not too late to start getting organized to call, but the sooner you start the better. Here are a few key steps you must take to get your holiday calling campaign off the ground.Continue Reading..


Big Wins for Starting Holiday Sales in September

Every year we tell wineries that their holiday sales shouldn’t be starting in October but instead, right after Labor Day in September. It’s starting to cool down and customers are thinking about buying wine again. All they need is the little extra push that a phone call provides. This year has been no different. We have killed it so far in September and we’re only half way through the month. Continue Reading..


The Best Way to Give Your Customers Holiday Deals

During the Holidays, it is tempting to offer big discounts to incentivize your customers to buy more wine. While this can help you to grow your sales, it can also be a huge mistake. Once you start to discount your wine, customers will expect it again in the future. With that in mind, you have to be very careful when handing out discounts to your customers. Continue Reading..


Get Your Customers Stocked Up for the Holidays

It’s that time of year again. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and it’s time your staff aught to be calling and selling wine to your top customers. Let’s face it, your customers will be drinking wine this holiday season. When you call and give them an opportunity to buy, you make sure that it’s your wine they’re drinking. Here are four ideas to boost your sales when you call this season.

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3 Ways to Get Organized and Sell More Wine this Spring

The holidays are over and spring is fast approaching, which means it’s time to start thinking about your spring promotions. Calling your customers in the spring is important as it will:

  • Help you keep your database up to date
  • Build a stronger relationship with your customers
  • Engage customers that  don’t buy as often, giving your customers another opportunity to buy your wine

Have a plan. Wineries that organize spring calling campaigns see better sales when the holiday’s come around because they were able to update their database by calling before the holidays hit.

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Four Weeks to Thanksgiving and Time Left!


That was fast! Year-end is almost here and you are swamped with harvest, club shipments and holiday sales. Your customers are stocking up and the big question is, “will it be your wine they buy?” There is still time to call the top customers, show them some love, tell them a story and get their order in (as they are busy too). Here is what you need to do:

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