The Blog


It May Be Too Hot To Ship, But it’s Not Too Hot to Call

Now that the warmer months have arrived, shipping wine down south is no longer a possibility. That doesn’t mean it’s time to slack off on calling your customers, though. Even with the temperatures heating up, there are still a number of great reasons to get on the phones and call this summer.Continue Reading..


3 Ways to Grow Your Customer Database With Limited Staff

It seems businesses everywhere are struggling to find enough these days; and wineries are certainly not immune to the staffing shortage. Now that more and more people are feeling comfortable leaving their homes and traveling again, your winery is bound to see more foot traffic this summer. But do you have your tasting room set up to handle it?

When a winery is short staffed, one thing that can easily be overlooked is making sure you’re collecting a customer’s information. After all, your tasting room staff is busy making sure that everyone is enjoying your wine. Here are a few ideas to help ensure you’re still capturing customer information during theses unprecedented staffing challenges.Continue Reading..


3 Things to Look for in a Wine Sales Rep

Great sales people are an essential part of nearly any business. Without a solid team that loves talking about your wine and sharing their own experiences, you’ll be hard pressed to get customers excited about your winery. These individuals serve as the face of your winery and they’re the first people your customers come into contact with. Over the last few years, wineries have struggled to find great salespeople and tasting room staff. Whatever your personal staffing needs, here are a few key things to look for or cultivate in new hires as you work to keep your tasting room staffed and sales people on the phones.Continue Reading..


Ideas to Kick Off Your Spring Calling

Ready to start calling your customers and selling more wine? Here are a few ideas to help get your campaign off the ground this spring.Continue Reading..


3 Reasons Why Calling Your Customers in the Spring Is Vital

It’s easy to see why wineries love to call their customers in the fall and winter months. Since it’s right before the holidays, customers are eager to buy so they have gifts and enough to enjoy for their upcoming festivities. The reality is that calling in the spring can be just as crucial for your sales as the fall and winter months. Here are a few reasons why keeping in touch with your customers is vital this spring.Continue Reading..


The Key to Better Holiday Sales: Not OND—SOND

October used to be considered the month when wineries could start kicking off their holiday sales campaigns and start shipping out wine for customer’s holiday festivities. Naturally, this too is when most of your yearly sales occur. But there are huge advantages in starting your calling in September instead. Here are a few reasons why you need to be starting your holiday sales earlier.Continue Reading..


4 Ways to Improve Your Wine Club’s Retention

While wine club retention has been a hot topic for a number of years, it’s never been more critical than in 2020. Between closed tasting rooms and minimal traveling, it’s a given that wineries have struggled to find new club members. This makes retention that much more important for wineries. Fortunately, the answer is simple: create more value. Any way your winery can think to add additional value for your customers will help curb attrition.  When customers see lots of value, they’re more likely to keep their membership and continue to enjoy your wine. Here are a few ideas to help you get started.

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Is Your Competition Calling Your Customers?

It’s September already, 2020 is flying by, and some of us can’t wait to get to 2021.  Every year the holidays seem to start earlier and this year is no different (from that perspective).  With more wineries turning to telesales, DTC has become more competitive than ever; and there is a  good possibility your customers are being called by other wineries. But the best news of all is that they are buying! There’s tons of potential for wineries that are set up to take advantage of it. But consumers only have so much room to store the wine and a limited budget, so you don’t want to wait too long to call them. The market has become more aggressive with great shipping specials and packaged deals.  The question is, do you have a campaign in place and ready to launch?  Here are three things you need to consider when kicking off your holiday campaign:

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1 Simple Way to Get Better Holiday Sales

It’s no secret that the holiday season can make or break your year. And in the uncertain times we’re going through, you need to be doing everything you can to make sure your holiday selling season is a success. Through our telesales campaigns, we are continually able to help wineries have better holiday sales. One of the ways we’re able to continually get stronger holiday sales for our clients is by starting to call earlier.Continue Reading..


3 Ways to Continue Growing Your Customer Base

While this summer looks very different than what any of us planned for 2020,  there are still ways your winery can continue growing your customer base right now. In reality, now is the perfect time to hone your message and really double down on what makes your winery special. Take the time to share your story and even a few recent struggles with customers, and they’ll easily be captivated by your winery. Here’s a few tips you can use now to help keep your customer base growing this summer.Continue Reading..