
Making the Most of Credit Card Declines

There’s a good chance you may be a little too familiar with the feeling of seeing a wine shipment ready to go out; but instead, it’s sitting there due to the customer’s credit card coming back declined. While it can be frustrating, it’s simply a reality in the wine industry that a customer’s first priority when they get a new card probably isn’t to update their wine club membership. And with credit card fraud continuing to increase year over year, credit card declines aren’t going to slow down. And of course, since your wine club members are likely regular travelers, they are even more susceptible to credit card theft. But instead of fretting over seeing an unpaid shipment sitting in your winery, take it as an opportunity to connect with your customer and even sell them more wine.

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The Biggest Key to Selling Wine

Whether it’s over the phone or in the tasting room, the better your staff is at relating to your customers, the more wine they’re going to sell. This holiday selling season, make it a priority and you’re sure to see your staff not only selling more wine, but giving your customers a better experience as a whole. And there’s one sure-fire way to make it happen too.Continue Reading..