Have a Reason for the Call
When you call your customers, it’s a great idea to have a good reason for the phone call. I mean–sure you want them to buy wine, but even a simple introduction can go a long way. Something like, “The reason I’m calling you today is because we are almost out of X varietal and are calling all of our best customers to make sure they don’t miss out!” That is a really simple one and can make your customers feel special and more open to anything else you have to say. If you have good records of their prior purchases, this can be even better because the offer can be tailored to them.
It can also be great to call wine club members before a shipment to make sure you have their billing and shipping info up to date. Then your reps can always add a call to action like, “I see you bought x varietal in the past, I can definitely add a few extra bottles to your wine club shipment for you.”
Getting Your Staff on the Phones
Sometimes it’s just not feasible to have dedicated staff just for calling. But that’s no problem, you already have very knowledgeable and passionate sales people in your tasting room. Why not put their skills to good use? The truth is while that sounds great on paper, getting your staff on the phones isn’t always easy. That said, you can always incentivize them with wine! It’s also important that they have some training or experience on the phone so that they are comfortable with the dynamics of selling over the phone.
Keep Your Customers in the Loop
Your customers like to know what’s going on at your winery. When you call, don’t be afraid to simply tell them what’s happening. Hearing about your winery can make for a nice break in their hectic day. Sharing about your winery is a great way to get them talking as well. Customers love to share their own knowledge and experiences and the more you get them talking, the more likely they will be to buy some wine.
I hope you found this list helpful. Good luck selling wine!