Tag: #wine


How Do I Get My Staff On the Phones?

One of the biggest challenges I hear from wineries doing the calling in house is, “How do I get my staff on the phones”?  Doesn’t matter if it’s the winery or a call center, getting and keep people on the phones is challenging.  Here are 4 ideas on tackling this challenge:Continue Reading..


16 Tweetable Direct to Consumer Wine Sales Tips

Do you want to sell more wine? Well of Course you do! In this blog we have compiled a handful of great wine sales nuggets so short that you can even tweet them.  Grow you direct to consumer sales in under 140 characters.

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3 Reasons Why Your Customers Love to Get a Call from Your Winery

Often, the concern is that calling customers is telemarketing and everyone hates telemarketers. The truth is, customers really like to hear from your winery because they love the people, the wine and the memories they’ve made. I have called customer for 25 years and it never ceases to amaze me how when you call a customer, even if they don’t buy, say thank you for the call. It’s incredible!

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The Holiday selling season starts Today!

S O N D has started and the holidays will be here shortly. Consumers will start stocking up and the big question is, “Will it be your wine they are buying?” Your neighbor winery is calling its customers and there is a good chance that your customers are their customers. Whether you are ready or not, it’s time to get it set up and the calling started. Here is what you need to do:Continue Reading..


Too Hot to Ship? 3 Reasons to Call Customers this Summer!

It’s that time of year again where shipping wine gets challenging. In the south it’s already over 100 degrees, but consumers still want their wine. That said, here are a few reasons to call customers, provide exceptional customer service and sell more wine this summer.Continue Reading..


When I Call Customers, What Should I Say? Script is Crucial

Scripting gives your reps structure and confidence in knowing what to say when they represent your winery. It is without question one of the most important aspects in a great calling campaign. Here are the four key components to a good calling script.Continue Reading..