Tag: Wine Telemarketing


Wine Telephone Sales: See The Objection as an Opportunity

When we extend the invitation to purchase wine to our telephone customer, many times we hear an objection, or a reason the person can’t (or won’t) buy. Perhaps customers feel it isn’t polite to just say no to the calling person, or maybe—they really are still thinking about purchasing.Continue Reading..


Steps to Hiring a Dedicated Phone Sales Rep For Your Winery

Hiring a Sales Rep

So, you decided you want to hire a dedicated phone sales rep for your winery. What are your next steps? Here is a “Punch List” of what you need to get the right candidates in the door:Continue Reading..


Too Hot to Ship? 3 Reasons to Call Customers this Summer!

It’s that time of year again where shipping wine gets challenging. In the south it’s already over 100 degrees, but consumers still want their wine. That said, here are a few reasons to call customers, provide exceptional customer service and sell more wine this summer.Continue Reading..


Tips toward being Telemarketing Compliant

Direct to Consumer Telemarketing has become more challenging to navigate over the last 20 years with laws designed to protect consumers. In 1991, Congress enacted the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). If you are not aware of the laws—there is a good chance you’re breaking them. For example, a telemarketer who disregards the National Do Not Call Registry could be fined up to $16,000 for each call.Continue Reading..


Spring Time: Enhance the Customer Experience

For our friends in the Midwest and East coast; the winter has been tough. Thinking about this spring is a matter of sanity and is something to look forward to. For wineries, it’s a perfect time to show customers a little love, clean up customer contact records, and SELL SOME WINE before it gets too hot.

Here are three great reasons to call your customers NOW.Continue Reading..


3 Keys to A Successful In House Winery Telemarketing Campaign

One of the most common responses I hear from wineries regarding telemarketing is, “We want to do it in house.” The truth is it gives the winery control of customer messaging, the opportunity to address customer issues directly, and ensures security of their customer database.

Here are three key components to a successful in house telemarketing campaign.Continue Reading..