Tag: Wine Sales


Having Trouble with Wine Club Credit Card Declines? Here are Tips to Help You Stay on Top of Them

Let’s say you run your wine club batch and 10% (or more) of the credit cards come back declined. How can you get these resolved fast? How can you avoid this in the future? Here are a few ways to stay on top of the declined and expired cards, allowing you to recapture 40% to 60% of your total declines.

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3 Things Your Sales Team Must Understand to Succeed

A common pitfall of salespeople is to feel the need to convince a customer to buy a product. We’ve all been on the receiving end of this. Even if they do eventually convince you to buy the product, feeling used and taken advantage of is typically the end result. Sales, and more specifically, wine sales shouldn’t be like this. Whether your staff is selling in the tasting room or over the phone, they should understand that their #1 job is to listen to your customers and understand their interests. When your salespeople learn to ask questions and listen to your customers, they will be able to tailor offers to them and become more successful sellers. Here are three strategies that are essential to help close a sale.

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4 Actions to Inspire and Motivate Your Sales Team

“You teach what you know, you create what you are.”
-Ancient Sufi Proverb

Some people might think that motivating your sales team is all about pumping them up and cheerleading. And they might go on to believe that they just can’t do that – it’s an act that doesn’t fit with their personality or style. But true motivation comes from actions that everyone can take and still act with authenticity.

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The Holiday selling season starts Today!

S O N D has started and the holidays will be here shortly. Consumers will start stocking up and the big question is, “Will it be your wine they are buying?” Your neighbor winery is calling its customers and there is a good chance that your customers are their customers. Whether you are ready or not, it’s time to get it set up and the calling started. Here is what you need to do:Continue Reading..


Steps to Hiring a Dedicated Phone Sales Rep For Your Winery

Hiring a Sales Rep

So, you decided you want to hire a dedicated phone sales rep for your winery. What are your next steps? Here is a “Punch List” of what you need to get the right candidates in the door:Continue Reading..


Too Hot to Ship? 3 Reasons to Call Customers this Summer!

It’s that time of year again where shipping wine gets challenging. In the south it’s already over 100 degrees, but consumers still want their wine. That said, here are a few reasons to call customers, provide exceptional customer service and sell more wine this summer.Continue Reading..