
Choosing the Right CRM

There are so many CRM’s on the market, you may get paralysis by analysis.

Here are three keys to picking the right CRM.

Cloud Based CRM
You need to have access to it from anywhere and it needs to be backed up and secure. Your customer database is mission critical and having all communications in one place, accessible from anywhere, allows you to provide great customer service.

Ease of use for reps

It’s important to pick a CRM that reps can learn quickly. It shouldn’t take a rep more than 1 day (8 hours) max to learn a CRM and get on the phone. If the CRM is too complicated and takes weeks of training, it’s not cost effective and the reps will have a hard time getting motivated to make calls. Keep it simple.

Can it integrate with your existing eComm, POS, reservation and email marketing?

It’s critical for staff to have a 360 degree visual of the wineries customer info. All of the good eComm, POS, reservation and email marketing solutions have APIs that can be written to for strong integration with a proper CRM.

Spring is here, so get on the phones and start calling, selling and shipping wine.

Next Blog – Telemarketing, Are you Compliant?

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