
Wine Telephone Sales: See The Objection as an Opportunity

When we extend the invitation to purchase wine to our telephone customer, many times we hear an objection, or a reason the person can’t (or won’t) buy. Perhaps customers feel it isn’t polite to just say no to the calling person, or maybe—they really are still thinking about purchasing.Continue Reading..


The Power of Great Questions

“It is more powerful to be able to ask great questions than it is to have all the answers in the book.”

During my sales training sessions, I will say this at least twice and more often than not—repeat it three or four times. Perhaps it may seem counter-intuitive, but if your customer is talking more and you are talking less, you are on the right track to sell wine.

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4 Actions to Inspire and Motivate Your Sales Team

“You teach what you know, you create what you are.”
-Ancient Sufi Proverb

Some people might think that motivating your sales team is all about pumping them up and cheerleading. And they might go on to believe that they just can’t do that – it’s an act that doesn’t fit with their personality or style. But true motivation comes from actions that everyone can take and still act with authenticity.

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